A wonderful idea for making extra income that will get your customers fully satisfied with your services.

We present you the following additional opportunities:


  • Your customers can add CLAIMHELP UNLIMITED to their reservation.
  • Should there be a problem with the flight, we will take on the case and handle it completely free of charge..
  • Why choose CLAIMELP UNLIMITED – because your customers will get completely free legal advice up to 6 months or 1 year of purchasing the plane ticket, without us deducting any commission for this service.

CLAIMHELP Referral Partners

Join our referral program and earn a €25 commission for every client you refer who receives compensation for flight issues. Simply fill out the form below and start earning today!

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Terms and Conditions

1. Participation: Anyone can participate in the referral program by filling out the form with the required information.

2. Commission: For each referred customer who successfully receives compensation for flight issues, the referrer will receive a €25 commission.

3. Payment: Commissions are paid within 30 days after the customer receives their compensation.

4. Validity Conditions: The customer must be new to our agency and not have previously submitted any compensation claims with us.

5. Rights: We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions of the referral program at any time.

6. Abuse: Abuse of the referral program will result in disqualification and forfeiture of any commissions.

CLAIMHELP Affiliate Partners

ClaimHelp ClaimHelp offers your a unique affiliate link or a WIDGET through which you will be able to assist your customers in getting compensation. For more information click